to OSHAnoise.com, a collaborative arm of Acoustics.com.
This site aligns with our goals of promoting the importance of acoustics
and acoustic-related issues across a variety of related industries.
you know that many businesses are currently in violation of OSHA's noise
regulations? Did you also know that acoustics is an essential element
to OSHA compliance?
While anyone who works can be at risk for possible noise-induced hearing loss, some workplaces are more hazardous than others. Workers in the following industries are more likely to be exposed to dangerous noise levels: agriculture, mining, construction, manufacturing and utilities, transportation, and military.
But there are a number of businesses that could be in violation of OSHA
that you wouldn't even think of, such as restaurants, nightclubs and bars.
Click here to learn more.
OSHA noise standards consist of a two-stage program:
- A hearing
conservation program must be implemented when employees are exposed
to 85 dB or more in an
8-hour day. These programs include annual audiometric testing and require
hearing protection devices, such as earplugs.
- Engineering
or administrative noise controls are required when exposure exceeds
90 dB. Engineering controls include redesigning the space to reduce
machinery noise, replacing machinery with quieter equipment, enclosing
the noise source or enclosing the noise receiver. Administrative controls
include mandating the length of time an employee can be exposed to a
particular noise source.
Failing to address OSHA regulations can be a pricey mistake. Total penalties for OSHA violations in 2002 exceeded $72.8 million! Business owners that willingly violate OSHA regulations, including those relating to noise, can be penalized between $5,000 and $70,000. If a previous violation is not addressed and corrected, civil penalties up to $7,000 a day can be enforced. Even if the violation isn't life threatening, but still has the potential to impact job safety and health, the business can be penalized up to $7,000. Keep in mind, OSHA representatives can stop by to conduct noise readings at any given time.
For the Employer/Designer
Are you concerned about the integrity of your bottom line? What about the health and safety of your employees and patrons? There are numerous benefits to designing an acoustically correct space, including:
- Reduced miscommunications, accidents, mistakes & errors
- OSHA compliance
- Increased productivity & moral
Designing an acoustically correct business establishment without compromising
the desired atmosphere is easier than you might think. The most important
factor is to do so in the design phase when solutions are easily implemented
and options are plentiful. Waiting until after construction is complete
makes it much more difficult to achieve the desired effect, not to mention
the business disruption. Visit Acoustics.com for tips on designing acoustically
correct spaces, common concerns and information on suitable products and
If you are looking for an acoustical consultant to help determine OSHA compliance or to help with noise abatement and control, click here.
For the
Are you exposed to excessive noise in the workplace? If so, your employer
could be violating OSHA codes. You have a right to be protected while
you work. Visit Acoustics.com to find
out more about the dangers of noisy environments.
**This site
is not affiliated with or endorsed by the department of Occupational Safety
& Health Administration. For more information on OSHA and its standards
visit osha.gov.**
© 2003 Acoustics.com